The prime minister is expected to announce that customers will be able to return to ordering at the bar later this month.

The move from July 19, if confirmed at 5pm today, will come as a boost to traditional pub venues, which have struggled to operate profitably with table service and reduced capacity.

Boris Johnson is also tipped to update on the one metre-plus stipulation in venues, with social distancing rules to be scrapped, a return to large events and an end to compulsory masks in shops and on public transport.

An emphasis is expected to be made on personal judgment when it comes to masks and it is thought hospitality venues will no longer be required to collect data for tracking customers.

The changes will apply to England only. Other UK nations make their own rules.

A final ruling is not expected be made until after a review of the latest data next week.

UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls last week urged the government to immediately review and amend its test and trace guidance on self-isolation.

Boris Johnson warned ahead of today’s announcement the pandemic was not over and cases would continue to climb.

“As we begin to learn to live with this virus, we must all continue to carefully manage the risks from Covid and exercise judgement when going about our lives,” he said.