UKHospitality Scotland is calling for restrictions on businesses to be lifted by Monday 24 January, ahead of an announcement by the First Minister today.

With Christmas and Hogmanay cancelled for hospitality businesses in Scotland, leaving them with a collective loss of more than £1bn, UKH Scotland said the sector needed to return to providing full service as quickly as possible.

As of today, restrictions on outdoor events are removed and hospitality businesses operating table service only and unable to run indoor events want restrictions on them to be lifted, and for nightclubs to be allowed to reopen.

As well as an end to the restrictions, UKH Scotland wants to see a return to the workplace, with hospitality venues in city centres continuing to struggle without the custom brought by city workers.

UKH Scotland executive director Leon Thompson said: “A lot hinges on what the First Minister says today. Our businesses need to know that the Scottish Government is supporting them as they attempt to begin recovery from the financial impact of two years of closure and restrictions. Those restrictions, coupled with the health messaging over Christmas and Hogmanay, were incredibly damaging for businesses already carrying unsustainable levels of debt, sorely depleted cash reserves and in need of a strong festive trading period.

“Hospitality needs to know that it can begin trading fully, including nightclubs, so we’re calling on the Scottish Government to lift restrictions no later than 24 January. This will send a positive message that Scotland is open for business and help our businesses as they set out again on what we all hope will be the road towards recovery.”