Restaurants and cafes will continue to be able to offer food delivery and takeaway under exemptions to the UK lockdown, the government has said.

This means people can continue to enter premises to access takeaway services, including delivery drivers. 

Planning regulation will be changed to enable restaurants, cafes and pubs which do not currently offer delivery and hot food takeaway to do so.

People must not consumer food or drinks on site at restaurants, cafes or pubs whilst waiting for takeaway food.

London Union’s Jonathan Downey said he was trying to get a message of support from government that food takeaway and delivery was vital during the shutdown, as a wave of major brands such as Greggs, McDonalds and Burger King shut up shop altogether.

He said: “Staff are afraid to go to work and employees are being villainised for continuing to operate. Our food supply is essential of course, and we need to hear from the PM that takeaway and delivery are vital.”

The government asked non-essential businesses to close for trade last night and said will look again at these measures in three weeks, and relax them if the evidence shows this is possible.

The Prime Minister has put the UK on lockdown for a minimum of three weeks.

He said: “People will only be allowed to leave their home for shopping, for basic necessities as infrequently as possible, one form of exercise a day, any medical need, to provide care or help a vulnerable person, and travelling to and from work only where it’s absolutely necessary.

“You should not be going shopping except for essentials like food and medicine and you should do this as little as you can and use food delivery services where you can.

“The police will have the power to enforce this, including fines and dispersing gathering.

“We will immediately close all shops selling non-essentials goods. We will stop all gatherings of more than two people, and all social events.

“We will keep these restrictions under constant review and look again after three weeks and relax them if the evidence shows we are able to.”