Fast food outlets across London have seen considerable food price increases since 2020, after Pret came under fire for increasing the cost of some menu items by 72%.

It was revealed earlier this month using data from Pret’s online menu that the in-store price of an egg mayo sandwich at the food-to-go brand had increased to £3.25, compared to its 2020 price of £1.89.

However, figures obtained by the Evening Standard show similar price hikes across the sector, with prices at Leon, Subway and McDonald’s all showing comparable increases.

The price of a McDonald’s Big Mac is up 64% since 2020, while a McChicken Sandwich is up 54% and a double cheeseburger is up 47%.

At Subway, an Italian BMT is up 61% since 2020, while a tuna sandwich is up 61% and a chicken tikka sandwich is up 58%. A fish finger wrap is up 51% at Leon, while chicken nuggets are up 35%.

A Subway spokesman said: “Subway restaurants are independently owned and operated. Each franchisee makes their own pricing decisions to ensure their viability within a trade area.

”On average, across our menu, prices for Subs have increased by 22% between 2020 and 2023. This increase is largely set against market pressures, with food inflation costs on average increasing by 26% between 2019 and 2023

 A McDonald’s spokesperson said pricing figures quoted by the Standard “could not be said to represent our broader estate” because “we don’t have a definitive list of prices as ultimately, franchisees decide these on a restaurant by restaurant basis”.

A Leon spokesperson said: “With costs of food, labour and utilities rising in retail, grocery and hospitality all across the UK, price increases are unavoidable — however, we work closely with our team and suppliers to ensure our menu is both high-quality and affordable.”