The M&C20 Leisure Index increased by 14.3 points (or 1.4%) this week, to reach 1,054.11.

While this was a stronger performance than that of the FTSE All-Share Index, which was flat, the M&C20 nevertheless remains some 26 points (or 2.4%) off its peak of 1,080.29 on 17 May.

The strongest performer was Greene King, whose share price rose 3.2% in the week to 10am on Friday (the time the M&C20 index is calculated). The company’s shares actually rose a further 40p to 785p during the rest of the day as the market reacted positively to the news that the pubs and brewing group had bought back £60m-worth of bonds to avoid a step-up in interest rates. This will be reflected in next week’s index value.

Other positive share price movements came from: Prezzo, up 3.1%; Marston’s, up 2.5%; and Cineworld, up 2.3%. Donimo’s shares were off by 1.4%, and both The Restaurant Group and Enterprise Inns slid back by 0.5% after strong recent gains. 

Among the small caps, Tasty’s shares were up 13.5%, though this business has a relatively small impact on the M&C index, representing just 0.5% of its value.

The M&C20 Leisure Index was created by totalling the market capitalisation values of 20 leisure sector PLCs and rebasing it to a value of 1,000 as of the beginning of May 2013. Each week, M&C Report will update the value of the M&C20 Leisure Index to show the market movement and how it is tracking against the FTSE All-Share Index.