Today (13 December) is the last day you can submit your nominations for MCA’s Retailers’ Retailer Awards 2023, so don’t delay, cast your votes now.

Eleven of the categories are open for nominations, including Best Concept, Deal of the Year and the hotly contended Retailers’ Retailer of the Year Award.

Changes to this year’s categories include Best Company being split out into Best Pub/Bar Company and Best Restaurant Company, International Brand of the Year replacing International Newcomer and Rising Star replacing The Hero Award.

Other brand-new categories included Omnichannel Brand of the Year, and Best Experiential Concept. These join regular awards for Emerging Concept and Investor of the Year, among others, as well as the returning Sustainability Award.

Taking place on 14 March, next year’s event will mark a change in venue for the prestigious annual event, from its regular location at the Guildhall in London to The Roundhouse in Camden.

The must-attend event, known as the Oscars of the hospitality industry, is valued above other industry awards as it is peer voted.

As a leader in hospitality, we need your help to shine a light on the most deserving individuals, deals, concepts and companies in the sector.

The nomination form takes just three minutes to complete and your feedback will be key in defining the best in the sector, before general voting starts in January.

To make your vote, click here. Nominations close on Tuesday 13 December.

Nominations for the Rising Star and Sustainability Awards category are also open for submissions and follow a different process.

The Rising Star Award, sponsored by Red Bull, gives businesses a chance to recognise an outstanding individual in their multisite management team who is rising through the ranks.

While the Sustainability Awards recognises a company or brand that has gone above and beyond in demonstrating its commitment to reducing its impact on the environment.

To nominate a Rising Star in your business or to put your business forward for the Sustainability award, please send a short citation to MCA editor outlining what makes this individual a future leader, or why the company is leading the way in sustainability practices.

MCA will then interview the nominator and publish a series of articles on the five shortlisted nominees in each of the two categories.

A winner will then be chosen by a special panel, with the articles used to decide the ultimate winner, who will be announced at the awards on 14 March 2023.

On behalf of the team at MCA we’d like to thank you in advance for your participation.