Deliveroo, the London-based food delivery platform, which includes Carluccio’s, Gourmet Burger Kitchen and Busaba Eathai amongst its clients, has raised £2.75m of new funding to further strengthen its logistics technologies and delivery platform.

Deliveroo, which was founded by William Shu and Greg Orlowski, is based in London, but with the new funding, it plans to open its first international office later this year

The funding round was led by Index Ventures and investors in the company include Hoxton Ventures, JamJar Investments, Greg Marsh, the founder of One Fine Stay, and Arnaud Bertrand, the founder of HouseTrip.

Chief executive Shu said: “I formulated the idea for Deliveroo because I was consistently dissatisfied by London’s takeaway options. In New York, where I previously lived and worked, I was able to enjoy food from all my favourite restaurants at home. In the UK, the option just wasn’t available – and it became my mission to change that.”

The company, which was founded in February 2013, said that may of its users go on to become repeat customers, ordering every 21 days. One customer has already spent north of £15,000 with Deliveroo.

Shu said:  “We’re really excited to have Index and Hoxton on board as investors. Our focus to date has been on establishing our core proposition, and this Series A round will help us fulfil our expansion plans, as well as marketing and technology development.”

Restaurants on the Deliveroo platform include Brindisa, Busaba Eathai, Carluccio’s, Cay Tre, Goodlife Diner, Gourmet Burger Kitchen, Princi, Rossopomodoro and Tommi’s Burgers.

Javed Akhtar, operations director at Gourmet Burger Kitchen, said: “One reason we chose to work with Deliveroo is their extensive analytics and technology. Every Deliveroo order is GPS-tracked and time-stamped at every stage, meaning we are able to determine where things are going well and not.  It is extremely important for GBK to work with someone who can sustain our high quality standards out of the restaurant, and Deliveroo has delivered, no pun intended!”