Gail’s Artisan Bakery has revealed plans to expand out of the capital, but has turned down opportunities to go into travel locations.

Tom Molnar, joint founder of Gail’s, told M&C Report’s sister title British Baker he had ambitions to open sites within 50 miles of London, in places such as Oxford, Cambridge, St Albans or Guildford.

Molnar said: “We are talking about the greater metro area - that’s all the scope I have really thought about seriously. If I were to go any further, I would have to think about moving everything over.”

When asked about travel locations, Molnar said he would rather stick to what he refers to as “neighbourhood” locations.

He explained: “I think the whole travel location thing is changing, so it may be more interesting to us later, because they are becoming places rather than just through-places, but until they become that, I like neighbourhoods. I’ve said ‘no’ to a lot of them.”

Gail’s now has 19 sites throughout the capital, and will open a 20th in Abbeville Road, Clapham, in the near future.

The company has also set up a delivery service to provide catering for business meetings in London.