More than a third (39%) of all diners in the UK say they are loyal to the restaurants and coffee shops they visit, according to new figures from Aimia’s Loyalty Lens.

When asked to rate from 1 to 10 how loyal people feel towards restaurants and food and drink establishments, where 1 means no loyalty and 10 means extremely loyal, 39% answered 7 – 10. This was slightly down on last year, where 43% of people said the same.

Costa was found to have the most popular loyalty scheme, with 53% of people who held a loyalty card being a member of its coffee club, followed by Subway (30%) and Caffé Nero (26%). Nando’s (23%) and Starbucks (22%) made up the top five.

The rest of the top 10 comprised: Tastecard (20%); Beefeater (14%), La Tasca (6%), PizzaExpress (5%) and Brasserie Blanc (3%).

The findings from the data-driven marketing and loyalty analytics company also showed more than one in five people (22%) are a member of a restaurant or coffee shop loyalty scheme and 45% of consumers are willing to share their personal details to receive relevant offers and discounts.

Charlie Humphreys, managing director, Business Development EMEA at Aimia, said: “When consumers find a restaurant, café or coffee shop they like, they enjoy returning there time and time again. However, consumers expect something in return for their loyalty, with more than one in five consumers now being a member of a loyalty scheme.

“Customers say they are willing to share their personal information with companies so they can receive relevant offers, yet many loyalty cards on the market don’t currently collect this level of data. There is a real opportunity for restaurants to grow the relationships they hold with their customers if they are able to collect data and use this to offer bespoke deals tailored to customer preferences.”