Around half (51%) of those surveyed believe the government’s hospitality roadmap should be reviewed, and accelerated if possible, according the latest Hospitality Leaders’ Poll from Lumina Intelligence.

However only 12% agree that the roadmap should definitely be sped up given the success of the vaccine rollout and the decline in Covid-19 levels. And 34% said they felt it was dangerous to reopen too early.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is currently facing legal challenges from the likes of Hugh Osmond and Sacha Lord over refusing to let pubs and restaurants fully reopen from April.

The poll also found that almost half (49% were happy with the recent Budget announcement, particularly with regards to the protections and support from the hospitality industry.

Forty-one percent were unhappy with the Budget and the support measures announced, and more than a third (35%) said they were happy but believed the Budget to be lacks in some areas when it comes to protections and support for the sector.

In addition, 63% said the rise in the state aid cap would have no impact on the level of support their business can access.

Overall business confidence remains high with 75% confident about the future of their business.

  • The Hospitality Leaders Poll is a conducted by Lumina Intelligence on behalf of MCA, BigHospitality and the Morning Advertiser. 

Hospitality Leaders Poll