A poll has found that only 12% of British men over-30 name beer or lager as their drink of choice in a pub, with one in five citing calories as the reason for their choice.

The survey of 3,000 men showed 24% preferred a spirit with a mixer, while 19% chose a glass of red wine, 15% opted for bottled cider, 13% for cocktail or shots and just 12% a pint of beer.

When asked why they were opting for alternative tipples, 22% of men said it was because beer was far too calorific, with 16% claiming that ale made them feel too bloated.

One in eight (12%) simply preferred another drink from the wide choice of available options, while almost one in 10 (9%) just didn’t like the taste of beer.

The cost of a pint was also a factor, with 6% saying they didn’t drink beer because the price had gone up.

The men polled were finally asked to reveal the maximum price they’d spend on a pint of beer in their local pub.

Almost half said they’d ideally like to pay £2 for a pint of beer, whilst nearly a quarter said £3. Only 4% said they’d be willing to pay £4 or more.

George Charles from Voucher Codes said: “It seems that the classic pint of beer is on a downer, with many more Brits opting for spirit-based drinks.

“I have to say I have noticed this when out and about, with many of my friends opting for vodka mixers and shots rather than a pint of beer.

“There are, however, a lot of artisan, local brewers popping up around the UK, which could definitely see a resurgence in the British pint.

“It would be a shame to see the death of the pint, but I think Britons will start to get behind their local brewers in a bid to revive it.”