Nando’s saw its brand desirability fall by 17% in 2012, according to a survey by marketing agency Clear, part of M&C Saatchi Group.

The survey, which questioned over 20,500 people about 678 brands, found that despite the tax avoidance furore Starbucks’ desirability climbed 3%, however rival Costa enjoyed a 22% increase.

The research said that a 1% rise in desirability equalled a 1.5% rise in sales growth. It said that those brands that were desired the most saw a c13% rise in sales in 2012 against the least desired, which saw sales rise by less than 5%.

Apple remained at the top of the UK list, with a 1% increase, ahead of its own iPhone brand.

However, its iPad brand experienced a 23% fall in desirability.

Value brands fared well with Lidl (+80%), Ikea (+53%) and Morrisons (+61%) all experiencing rises.