The dominance of the big three fast food brands is being gradually eroded, the latest data from MCA has shown.

The Eating Out Market Report 2018 shows that McDonald’s, KFC and Burger King are expected to have a combined outlet share of 58% in 2018, down from 59% in 2017 and 61% in 2016. Meanwhile, contemporary brands, such as Pret A Manger and Five Guys, are expected to gain share of 0.3pp and 0.7p.

For restaurants, 14 out of 25 of the leading brands are expected to remain static or lose outlets in 2018, up from eight in 2017. Meanwhile, in pubs and bars, seven out of 10 of the top brands are expected to lose share to smaller brands.

The opposite trend continues to play out among sandwich and bakery retailers, with Greggs and Subway growing share by 1.0pp and 1.2pp respectively.

The headline findings of the report show the eating out sector is set to grow by 1.5% in 2018 – down from 1.7% last year – to £89.4bn, from 327,000 outlets.

The rate is the slowest for five years but MCA still expects the sector to increase in value by c£5bn in the next three years.

MCA’s 150-page UK Eating Out Market Report gives a comprehensive overview of the full breadth of the sector, including detailed analysis of the competitive landscape and consumer behaviour as well as forecasts of the future outlook.

To find out more or to order a copy of the report, please contact