On average, UK consumers eat 2.11 burgers every month, according to a new survey of 1,000 UK adults by Byron, the better burger chain.

As part of its tenth birthday celebration, the survey by Byron, found that 10% of consumers have four burgers a month, whilst just under 1% are burger super-fans and will eat more than 10 per month.

The research found that the perfect burger is made from beef, has ketchup, Cheddar cheese and onions and is served with fries and a fizzy drink.

When it comes to who we like to eat our burgers with, our partners top the list. 16% of us don’t care who we’re with and 14% of us prefer no distractions and like to enjoy a burger alone. Fewer than 1% of us fancy sharing one with our colleagues.

Just under half of us want to enjoy our burger for dinner, while just over a quarter think lunch is the perfect time. For 18% of us the time doesn’t matter, and 6% come clean about stopping off for a burger after a night out. 1% of hardcore burger lovers like to eat theirs for breakfast.

When it comes to travelling for the perfect burger, just under 50% of consumers are prepared to go between one and five miles. 21% are willing to travel between 6 and 10 miles and just over 1% are willing to go 26 miles or more.

Both men and women enjoy a burger most when it’s eaten with their partner, but men are more likely to want to eat a burger alone (19% compared to 9%) and women more likely to want to eat with family (27% compared to 16%). Twice as many men enjoy a burger after a night out (8% compared to 4%).

Cheese was found to be the most popular topping (67%), followed by onions (46%) and lettuce (38%), with fries (75%) the most popular side dish, followed by onion rings (32%) and coleslaw (24%).