M&C Report talks to Adam Byatt, the high-profile chef and restaurateur at Trinity in Clapham, about his best investment, the best piece of advice he’s ever received and identifies the person who has had the most influence in his career.

What is the most important action the industry can take to encourage the consumer? Continue to nurture consumer trust in UK produce and reliability.

What is your top priority? In business - financial security for my family. Personally - to leave a legacy.

What has been your best investment? In the short-term probably buying and selling houses, but long-term I hope my business/restaurant will turn out to be my best investment.

What has been your best business decision? Leaving The Hospital project in 2006.

How much has your business changed to combat the recession? We are small and therefore nimble, quick thinkers and ahead of the game. In Jan 2009 we took evasive action by adding a pre-fixe menu, reducing the lunch menu cost, being more aggressive with value added marketing and seriously pulled our socks up to ensure every customer became a regular one. We have seen incremental growth in T/O since 2007 to date.

Who is doing something special in the industry? The Academy of Culinary Arts puts a lot into training chefs, this deserves recognition. The Galvin Brother set an example of that incredible balance between entrepreneurial, sticking to the craft they know and love and being great at it and also giving back an incredible amount. They are industry leaders in the private sector.

Most admired brand? He is certainly not a brand but Nigel-Platts Martin owns the most impressive and admired restaurant group in London by a long stretch.

Who has been the most influential in your career? I have actually been on my own for a very long time and wouldn’t say that this last eleven years or so have been influenced by any one person.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? You make your own luck.