Wadworth is eyeing sites in the south east and would consider leasehold deals with other pub companies or group acquisitions, M&C Report has learnt.

Paul Sullivan, marketing and sales director for the Wiltshire brewer and pub operator, also told M&C Report that it had just secured a pub with 22 rooms in the Cotswolds, which will help bolster its accommodation offer.

On new sites, he said: “We are looking at freeholds and potentially at some leaseholds. Our aspiration has always been to move slightly closer to London. Not necessarily into London itself because I’m not sure we have the warchest for that but probably cusping around the M25 – into Surrey and Berkshire.

“It is our view that there is going to be a degree of consolidation in the sector. I see that there are some small operators, with breweries or without, that are now looking to be acquired and we are looking gently at some groups.

“If we could buy a little parcel of four or five pubs that would suit us very well.”

Sullivan said the company has identified 15 sites out if its 223-strong estate that are being considered for  disposal but he said five of those could be given a redirection under the company’s segmentation scheme.
