Hampshire based Upham Pub Company has secured £6m funding from Natwest to support its ambitious growth plans.

Co-founder David Butcher has previously told M&C Report he wants to grow the company, which recently secured its 13th site, to a 40-stronmg estate over the next few years.

Financial director Robb Harris said: “For NatWest to be supporting us like this is quite an endorsement for our model and strategy.

“We are a comparatively small business with big ambitions and this funding will enable us to keep momentum, buying more pubs, creating more jobs and generating more sales for the brewery. In turn, we hope to generate more funds for us to continue to invest. It becomes self-fulfilling.”

NatWest relationship director Chris Priest said: “The business has already managed to raise a lot of capital and has built a good solid base for us to support the next phase of their growth.”
