A landlord in Sussex will have to pay £220 to fly the EU flag after complaints from local residents. Worthing Borough Council said that flying national flags was permitted without the need for planning or advertising approval, but that, because the EU flag is not a national flag, advertising consent, with a £220 fee, was needed to fly it. Dave Edwards, the landlord of the Rose and Crown in Worthing, said: "I consider it an appropriate flag to fly as a welcome to the thousands of Europeans who visit Worthing each year. "It is flown as a decorative, welcoming sign and not to make a political statement or to take sides in any debate." The issue was raised by Worthing resident John Strange, who said: "The EU flag is the flag of a totalitarian foreign power which, with the help of quislings in Westminster, intends to take over our country. "More than a million of our people fought and died in two world wars so we might enjoy the freedom to live in our own land in accordance with our own laws. "I trust the next time I pass along Montague Street I shall not be offended by the sight of this foul emblem flying in front of the pub."