Robinsons Brewery, which owns more than 260 pubs across north Wales and England, will begin tapering its rent discounts from July.

For July, Robinsons licensees will be offered a discount of up to 90%, August will be up to two thirds (60%) and 30% discount for September and October, with publicans who did not receive a Government grant paying less than those who did receive one.

The Stockport-based operator first announced it was cancelling domestic and business rents, then it suspended all direct debts and froze repayments of loans and interest charges. It went on to outline rents would be cancelled until pubs reopen and confirmed it would replace all draught beer and cider, which goes out of date during the crisis, with fresh stock.

Robinsons said it was still lacking detailed government guidance regarding safe reopening of pubs.

Pubs division managing director William Robinson said: “To assist pub emergence, we have announced our latest support in terms of rent payments. I wrote to all our licensees this week outlining the next phase of our pub support, which included details of further rent reductions.

“This brings our planned rent support to more than £3m, which is an average of around £12,500 per pub since this started.

The pub company will delay the reintroduction of loan payments until August and payments into report and decoration funds until January 2021.

Business development managers have returned to the business alongside colleagues from other support departments to give support and advice to licensees on operational planning and customer communications.

Cask and keg beers are being brewed in preparation for pubs opening on 4 July with plans in place to deliver to them in advance of that date.
