A crime-fighting charity has launched a campaign to prevent meter tampering and energy theft, following the discovery that a number of pub licensees meddled with their supplies in order to save money.

The appeal from Crimestoppers will focus on Newcastle and Gateshead and aims to bring down the £400m figure it claims energy theft costs the UK public each year.

In 2012/13 it was estimated that over 25,000 incidents of electricity theft and over 3,200 incidents of gas theft took place in the UK, while the charity said one energy provider said there were 259 incidents in Newcastle and Gateshead areas in 2014. The charity added that it takes, on average, 67 pieces of information on these crimes per month.

Last year, one energy provided uncovered 20 pubs that were found to be tampering with their supplies after working with local licensing officers across the Wirral. In a separate incident, eight pubs on Walton Road, close to Everton Football Club, in Liverpool, were all found to be tampering with their meter in some way, which created a substantial risk to the general public.

Crimestoppers will use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to publicise the campaign and has already produced an educational video to provide a tool for those who wish to check whether their meter has been interfered with. A second video has also been created to act as a deterrent by highlighting the consequences to the tamperer and innocent people nearby – which include gas explosions and fires.  It said whether the meter is standard, pre-payment or dial, the consequences are the same.

Dave Hunter, North East regional manager for Crimestoppers, said: “While some will see energy theft as a victimless crime, I can categorically state this is not the case.“Tampered meters have seen lives endangered and people hospitalised, and for what? A small saving on an energy bill – is it really worth it?

“This is why we are reaching out to the online community to tell us who is committing this crime, safe in the knowledge you will remain completely anonymous. I would urge you to watch our video, learn the signs to spot, and then share it with your friends and family. The more people who know about this crime, the more chance we have of eliminating it and saving lives.”

To find out more about the campaign visit www.crimestoppers-uk.org/energy-theft.

If you have any information on those committing energy theft and tampering with meters, contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or though the Anonymous Online Form at www.crimestoppers-uk.org.
