A trio of pubs in Gloucester have had such success selling porn from vending machines in the men’s toilets that the device may soon be rolled out nationally. The DVDs, which cost £6 each and are sold in plain red cases, have been on sale for a month. Russell Coglan, the manager at Cheltenham’s Midland Hotel, which took part in the trial, said: "People are often embarrassed about buying porn in shops. This machine sells soft porn from the comfort of a pub toilet so our customers feel less inhibited. "There is nothing wrong with it because we are not a family pub - we only allow over-18s in. I think it is a good idea which will catch on." Miranda Suit, from watchdog Mediamarch, said: "This is extremely worrying. There is no way with the best will in the world that pubs will be able to stop under-18s from buying the DVDs. "The fact that such films are getting to be in easy circulation is a problem."
