Nearly one-third (29.3%) of UK nightclubs have been lost since the pandemic, highlighting the urgency of support required by the sector as it recovers, according to the Night Time Industries’ Association’s (NTIA) Electronic Music Industry Report.

Unveiled at the Night Time Economy Summit last week, the report attempts to measure the economic, community, and cultural value of the electronic music and night time industry in the UK.

The report estimates the economic value of festivals featuring electronic music is £519.3m, while concerts and events outside of festivals contribute another £272.3m. Electronic music nightclubs contribute £1657.4m, with £2.6bn being the total measurable impact of the industry, according to the NTIA.

In addition to the pandemic, licensing, zoning, and gentrification are also significant challenges faced by the night time economy.

Appointing a night time advisor, reducing regulatory burdens, providing financial support, encouraging community involvement, addressing gentrification and redevelopment, and promoting the UK as a destination for electronic music are some of the ways in which the government can support the industry, the trade body has said.

CEO Michael Kill commented: “Electronic music is one of the UK’s understated phenomena, it shapes and embraces communities, educates, inspires and unites the UK with its unique form of culture.”

“For the last 2 years we have been formulating a strategy to deliver this report, alongside key stakeholders and leaders in this space, to substantiate the true economic, community and cultural value of the electronic music sector.”

The foundation of this work was born from the realisation during the pandemic that the Government has a limited understanding of the industry, but also considers the responsibility of the sector to educate decision makers.

“This was highlighted when the Government’s financial support in the UK excluded electronic music in its scope, as part of the wider Cultural Recovery Fund through the Arts Council. Through the efforts of millions of electronic music supporters, we convinced the Government to recognise the importance of counter culture and include the sector in its support.”

“We hope that the Government, through industry insight, will have a greater understanding of the sector, and support it in a way that cements its future in British culture.”