The Liberation Group is seeking to grow accommodation revenue across its Channel Islands estate after the success of the rooms added to one of its flagship sites, M&C understands.

Chief executive Mark Crowther told M&C the company would be investing across its estate in 2016. This will include a £1m project to combine two sites in the centre of St Helier – the Southampton and the Traders into one large bar/restaurant called The Square. Work on the site begins next week with an opening scheduled for March.

He said the company was also keen to add to the estate if suitable sites became available.

He told M&C: “The big thing for us in 2016 will be reinvestment in the estate. We have recently re-opened the Court House in Jersey after a £1m re-investment and that has been churning out some really impressive sales figures. It’s a famous site, mainly because it’s known as the pub from Bergerac.

“The success of the 10 hotel rooms we have done there have really given us the confidence to invest more in accommodation. It’s a very small part of our sales mix at the moment but we see great potential there.”

Crowther said the company would also continue to drive food sales, which have doubled in terms of the percentage since the company was acquired seven years ago. Food now accounts for 45% of total sales.

The company has appointed Lorna Fulton, formerly the general manager of Dix Neuf in Guernsey as operations manager responsible for the managed estate across the region.

