Prosecco and sparkling wine supplier Frizzenti is opening a Fizz! Bar at Birmingham’s Grand Central Station development that is due to open in September.

The company, led by managing director George Workman and Daniel Spinath of Crepeaffaire, is introducing its first modular designed bar to the station that has been designed to work in multiple footprints and spaces including station concourses, airports, or roof terraces.

Workman said: “We expect this to be one of many Frizzenti Fizz! Bars installed around the country. The bar looks amazing, almost like an art installation, and yet is practical and easy to build in whatever space is available. The modular nature is ideal for venues where a quick slick installation is needed to deliver a funky, edgy bar environment that will appeal to young urbanites keen to enjoy a glass of our Prosecco, sparkling wine or a cocktail.”

Last year Spinath told M&C Report the group has ambitions to open a series of permanent and semi-permanent wine bars.

He said: “You can see it as an equivalent to a classic Champagne bar. However, they are probably more Italian, more minimalist, not as posh, a bit more acceptable.”

Typical wine prices would be about £5 for a glass. Frizzenti’s own sparkling wines will be served on tap, with Prosecco available in bottles. Cocktails will be served and there are plans to sell mini canopies including “crepe bites”.
