Ei Group and Punch Pubs are the latest pub companies to extend the deferral of rent and other payments as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

Ei Group has deferred the collection of rent and fees from its licensees for the whole of April as it continues to review the changing situation.

The Group has also said it will keep licensees informed about the Government measures available to them, and will continue to push for further support to ensure the survival of the sector.

“We are working with out publicans throughout this pandemic, ensuring they are kept up to date with the Government support available for businesses as well as deferring collection of rents and fees, which we will keep under constant review,” an Ei Publican Partnership spokesperson told MCA’s sister title, The Morning Advertiser.

Following its announcement on 18 March that it was deferring the collection of rent, insurance, fixtures and fittings rental, pub care and licensing charges for at least 14 days, Punch Pubs has said it will extend this suspension as the pandemic continues.

Whilst Punch welcomed the Government support measures, it has said it will continue to push for further clarity and speed on them, especially on self-employment packages, the MA reported.

“This is clearly a very challenging time for everyone connected to the pub industry and all of us at Punch are fully committed to working in partnership with our publicans to get through it together,” said Clive Chesser, Punch CEO.

In recent days, several pub co’s including Shepherd Neame, Admiral, Fuller’s and Young’s have gone one step further, pledging to cancel rent altogether for the closure period.

In addition to Ei and Punch, other groups opting for a deferral include Greene King, Wellington Pub Company and Star Pubs & Bars.