From cycling events to a music and beer festival, Sussex brewery Dark Star counted up the pennies from fundraisers held throughout last year, and has served up over £10k for local causes.

The Dark Star Foundation, which was established in 2013, aims to support causes in three key areas: provide funds to pubs to assist in their fundraising efforts; provide seed funding for tomorrow’s entrepreneurs; issue funds to good causes and charities.

During the last year, funds have been continuously raised through the sale of certain lines in the brewery shop, at the number of large events such as Hopfest and ‘Spin Up In A Brewery’, and also through donations made by people attending the regular free brewery tours.

Amongst those causes that received funding were Sussex Sailability, Dame Vera Lynn Trust for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Age UK Horsham, Cancer UK and Hurstwood Park Neurosciences Centre.

The Foundation Board, which includes Dark Star’s James Cuthbertson and current UK ‘BII Fundraiser of the Year’ Sara Blunden, were delighted with the result of the Foundation’s second year fundraising.

Cuthbertson said: “The idea behind setting-up our own Foundation was to channel the generosity of those coming to visit the brewery or attending one of our events through the year, towards supporting good causes and I feel very proud to be a part of that process.” Adding: “Now the funds are distributed, we turn our attention to this year and making sure we once again have a good-size pot of money to put towards those that need it. A word also for our volunteers on the Foundation who make this possible through their support for events and assistance in making sure the right causes receive the funds.”
