Nightclubs and music venues will reopen without the need for Covid tests or vaccine passports from July 19, the Evening Standard reports.

Michael Gove, the Cabinet minister leading a review, is understood to believe it would impose “too much hassle” on the public and businesses to require tests for night-time venues.

A government source said: “We are increasingly confident that people are protected and the plan is to reopen everything, with no exceptions.”

The verdict was hailed as a “godsend” by leaders of the night-time sector.

It follows the success of pilot schemes, including one at a nightclub, that showed “no substantial outbreaks” and strong compliance with mitigation measures.

Michael Kill, chief executive of the Night Time Industries Association, said: “If you are in a late-night London pub and thinking of going on to the club around the corner, there’s a good chance that having to take a test would make you question whether to bother.

Ministers could revisit the idea of tests or vaccine passports for indoor hospitality and entertainments this winter if a surge of infections threatens Christmas openings.