Lancashire-based brewery Daniel Thwaites is set to begin a four-month project to refurbish 14 of its pubs, writes Gurjit Degun. It has appointed north-west architect Cassidy and Ashton to revamp the sites, which include the Brown Cow, Lancaster; the Miners Arms, Astley; the Fox Tavern, Stalybridge; the Royds Arms, Rochdale; the Queens Hotel, Littleborough; the Duke of Sussex, Hyde; and the Horse & Harrier, Bradford. Andrew Buchanan, director of pub operations at Daniel Thwaites said: “We are committed to ensuring that all our pubs are comfortable and appealing. Cassidy and Ashton has proven in previous refurbishments that they have the skills and knowledge to meet our brief.” Cassidy and Ashton associate director Peter Llewellin added: “This project will involve us giving a new look to a number of pubs in and around the north of England, from minor décor enhancements right through to more comprehensive refurbishments.”