The Coaching Inn Group – the new name for the Bulldog Hotel Group – plans to add at least another two sites to its currently eight-strong estate this calendar year, M&C understands.

Managing director Kevin Charity told M&C he had “got it wrong” two years ago by adding hotel to the name of the group and after discussion with new chairman Andrew Guy and investors the Coffer Group, had decided to rebrand.

He said: “We are a high street operator and food and beverage is two-thirds of our turnover. We are not a hotel group and we needed a name that reflected our unique offer. The Coaching Inn Group doesn’t really need much explanation.”

The Lincolnshire-based group has grown from two sites in 2007 to eight currently, with the most recent opening the Royal Oak in Welshpool, Powys

Charity told M&C: “We would like to have at least two more this calendar year if not straight after the summer.

“We know exactly what we are looking for – we want a high street position every time and a minimum of 20 bedrooms. We don’t really have an upper limit – our biggest at the moment has 60 rooms but we wouldn’t limit ourselves. We would need a car park every time and a function room. We would also want a separate bar area so we can have a pub feel as well as an eatery and a coffee offer to compete with the casual dining brands.”

Charity said investment from the Coffer Group and the Business Growth Fund this year had raised the company’s profile and meant more offers were coming their way.
