Fleurets directors Yaser Martini and Bill Graham are to leave the company, writes Paul Charity. Fleurets chairman Barry Gillham said: “This will, no doubt, be a surprise to the trade and those who have worked alongside them. However, the Fleurets board has known of their possible departure for some time. “Bill is stepping off the business merry-go-round for at least a year or two and will be leaving in the autumn. “Yaser, meanwhile, seeks fresh challenges in other fields and will be leaving in April. “Neither sees their future with a competitor and both remain substantial shareholders in the Fleurets business. “I am sure all who know Bill and Yaser will be quick to applaud the contribution they have both made to the business and the industry as a whole. “Their legacy is as ever Fleurets, a team of talented individuals who share the same enthusiasm, energy and total commitment to client service and excellence, demonstrated by Bill and Yaser over the years.”