July was a good month for eating out compared to the same period last year, with a rise in footfall, number of visits and the amount of money spent on food and drink.

According to the latest MCA Eating Out Panel for July, participation, frequency and average spend in the Eating Out market were all higher in July 2019 than July 2018, when the World Cup was taking place and heatwave was in full effect.

Though both occurrences saw people drink more, they failed to give a boost to eating out. But July 2019 saw a rise in frequency at Breakfast (up 5%), Lunch (up 1%) and Dinner (up 4%).

Average spend was up 1% at Breakfast, 4% at Lunch and 6% at Dinner.

“Considering the strong appeal of wet-led venues last July, it is unsurprising that pubs have lost share at two out of three day-parts since then, but testament to improvements in the sector that pubs have gained share at lunch, with particular growth in roast lunches,” said Val Karillovs, research and insight director at MCA.

He added that independent restaurants struggled the most in July, hit hardest by the “many headwinds still hammering the market”.