Camm & Hooper, the Imbiba Partnership-backed events-focused vehicle, has lined up a third opening in London’s Bishopsgate, M&C understands.

The two-strong group, which is the sister business to Darwin & Wallace, is believed to have lined up an opening at the Bathhouse site at 8 Bishopsgate, The Churchyard.

The site, which previously operated as a Victorian-inspired late-night venue, has been closed since 2011.

The company, which is led by Claire Lawson, plans to operate six sites within London in the next two years.

The group opened its second location - Banking Hall in Cornhill Street - last year, had previously mooted the Docklands and the West End as target locations.

The company opened its first site Tanner & Co on the former Delfina unit in London’s Bermondsey Street in 2013

Lawson, who used to run the Brewery venue in Chiswell Street, is overseeing the rollout of the Camm & Hooper concept, which will largely focus on a pre-booked offer.
