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Sukho Group has traded well so far this year, with a 7% increase in like-for-like sales in May 2024, group MD Gerrard Marks tells MCA.

The business currently operates two concepts: the six-strong casual dining chain Zaap Thai and the three-strong premium concept Sukho Thai. It recently announced is it to open a new concept, an Asian-inspired chicken shop called Gai Zaap, in Nottingham this summer.

“We are dedicated to continuing this momentum by delivering unique and memorable dining experiences across all our locations,” Marks says. “Alongside our expansion plans we are committed to continuing to elevate our existing estate, with a particular focus on ongoing staff training and development.”

Zaap Thai remains the top priority for expansion; however, the group has been working on the Gai Zaap concept for some time, he adds.

“We are excited to see how Gai Zaap will be received, and we believe there is potential for future rollouts. Gai Zaap sites will have a much smaller footprint, allowing us to enter locations that would not have been suitable for Zaap Thai.

“This adds a dynamic new dimension to our group and broadens our reach.”

Gai Zaap will offer a ‘beak to feet’ menu of fried and grilled chicken options, with Asian-inspired flavours like Tom Yum spice and chilli tamarind.

Meanwhile, Zaap Thai will open a new location on the Riverwalk in Durham this September, and is in the final stages of securing a further two locations.

“We are still on the lookout for more units, primarily in large University cities with diverse populations, as part of our growth strategy for the coming years,” Marks continues. “The future looks bright for Sukho Group, and we are excited about the opportunities ahead.”