Caffe Nero is trialling a hybrid service style, which will see baristas deliver refills to customers at their tables.

The order and pay system is aimed at selling additional items to lone customers working at laptops in particular.

It is part of a wider revamp of the estate, which aims to encourage longer dwell time and differentiate it from its high street competitors.

As part of this Nero is rolling out an artisan, healthy-oriented fresh food offering, which is displayed at the counter.

Caffe Nero UK CEO Will Stratton-Morris told MCA: “We are developing an order and pay system, where baristas come round and give you a refill, so you don’t have to leave your laptop. It’s not that these customers don’t want to buy anything else, it’s that they don’t want to leave their laptop, so this aims to tackle that.”

The style is being trialled in Edinburgh, where Stratton-Morris said brand was clearly defined in contrast to its rivals.

He said: “When you walk into Caffe Nero, you can see it and feel it, you’ve got this ambience, it makes you want to spend time.

“The competition’s offer is clean and modern but so utilitarian and functional.

“Rather than throw people out we really do want people to come and work here.”

Stratton-Morris said the new food offering, which aims to reconnect Nero with its premium Italian roots, was currently being rolled across the 700-strong UK estate,

He added: “We deliberately went to our bigger stores first, we’re probably in a third of our estate now and, though they probably represent almost half to two thirds of the revenue, so we’ve got it in all the big places.

“We’re designing a version of it for airports, with a huge amount to take away, because airlines aren’t offering food. There’s a massive growth opportunity there.”