A poll has shown consumers are willing to spend 25% more on a Saturday night takeaway than they will on a meal out.

The research by VoucherCodes.co.uk found the average consumer spends £35 on buying in food and drink for their Saturday night in.

This compared to an average spend on drinks at a pub or club of £25 while eating out typically cost £28 per person and entry to a nightclub £15.

By far the biggest spend was on internet shopping, according to the research, with an average ‘sofa surfer’ spending £125.

The poll found that during the winter 75% of people would to spend their Saturday night at home rather than going for a meal or drink. The survey showed 28% intended to give up their Saturday nights out to save money.

Anita Naik of VoucherCodes said: “With colder nights approaching and reality TV at its best, it’s understandable that the nation is swapping nights out for cosy Saturday nights in front of the fire.

“The sofa is quickly becoming the new high street for us Brits as we’re increasingly shopping for clothes, groceries, Christmas presents and even holidays while getting our latest reality TV fix.”
