November saw spend per head per visit at its highest point all year across all day-parts, according to the latest M&C Allegra Foodservice Eating Out Panel report.

The latest monthly report showed visit frequency up at both dinner and breakfast compared to November last year while lunch fell slightly.

Participation levels increased from 90.9% last November to 93.6% this year. In the past year only July and August have seen higher levels of participation.

The channel breakdown shows coffee shops cementing their position as the most popular choice for breakfast, at 23.3%. Last November it was tied with fast food outlets at 23% each but the latter has slipped down to 19.4% this year. Pub restaurants were the most popular channel for lunch and dinner.

The main reason to eat out at breakfast was for a treat, with a work-based routine the second most popular. At lunch and dinner the most common mission statement was to get together with friends or family. The quality and taste of the food remains the key reason for choosing an establishment although food quality has become less important for the consumers surveyed compared to last November.

M&C Allegra Foodservice’s EatingOut Panel is a monthly tracker of consumer behaviour, perceptions and trends, providing the UK’s most accurate and insightful continuous dataset on eating out trends. The research is based on over 18,000 in-depth online interview per quarter and continuous surveys.

For more information contact Richard Hayman on

