Eating and drinking out spend in November saw strong growth on last year but fell on a month-by-month comparison, the latest Greene King Leisure Spend Tracker has shown.

The yearly comparison is coloured by the impact of the Paris terror attacks which had an impact on leisure spend, particularly in London.

The average British household spent £206 on out of home leisure in November - a £17 (9%) increase year-on-year and a £6 (3%) decrease month-on-month.

Eating out spend of £82.27 was up 10% year-on-year but fell 5% on October. Drinking out spend of £45.63 was a 16% rise on last November’s figure but fell 4% short of October’s tally.

The tracker points out that such reductions in spending are customary in the run up to Christmas, although this year’s fall is lower than 2015’s, which saw a £17 (-8%) fall in total leisure spending.
