Hospitality vacancies have fallen for the fourth month in a row, with 124,000 current vacancies in the sector, according to the Office for National Statistics.

Accomodation and food service were among the sectors that saw the biggest drop, falling 47,000 compared to the same time last year.

Across the industry there were 3,000 fewer vacancies between May and July compared to April and June this year.

UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls said, “It’s positive that vacancies in hospitality have fallen for the fourth consecutive month but it remains the case that levels are still significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels and that average hours worked were down on the previous three months.

“Critical roles, like chefs, remain challenging to recruit and that continues to restrict hospitality businesses from operating at anywhere near their full capacity.

“Significant investment to attract and develop our own talent continues, through apprenticeships and training, but we urge the Government to open up new immigration routes, such as widening the Youth Mobility Scheme and Shortage Occupation List, to help the sector reach its potential.”