Prices for the UK’s most popular grocery products have risen for the first time in over six months.

Data from groceries website,, which monitors the cost of the same 35 most commonly bought grocery products, showed that an average basket of products increased slightly from £86.60 in May to £86.84 in June.

When compared to 12 months ago, however, the same basket in June 2014 was 5.5% more expensive at £91.88.

The products that increased the most were onions (up 11%), bananas (up 5%) and carrots (up 4.3%). The biggest fallers were broccoli (down 17.3%), pasta (down 5%) and mushrooms (down 3.7%).

Gilad Simhony, chief executive of mySupermarket, said: “Although there has been only a slight increase we are closely monitoring whether this marks the beginning of price increases at supermarkets, unseen during the recent period of supermarket price wars. Shoppers should keep an eye on whether their favourite products are in fact going up and whether they can be found cheaper elsewhere.”
