Coffee drinkers get through an average four cups a day, with latte the overwhelming favourite, new research reveals.

Britons consume 1,460 cups of coffee a year on average - 93,440 cups in an adult lifetime - according to the survey by syrup makers MONIN.

They spend £676 each year on coffee from shops and cafes – which amounts to £43,264 over a lifetime.

According to the data, Cardiff consumers drank the more than any other city in the UK - 1,825 cups a year.

The latte was named by 41% as their coffee of choice, followed by the (38%), Americano (26%) and mocha (16%).

The survey revealed the average consumer has their first cup of coffee at 8am, with 51% now owning a coffee machine at home.

Around four in ten said coffee was cooler than tea, while 76% said they regularly experiment with different styles and flavours of coffee.

When it comes to extras, 18% like caramel syrup, 14% vanilla and 10% hazelnut.

Lee Hyde, beverage innovation manager at MONIN, said: “We are seeing a rise in coffee shops and coffee culture across the country, and this trend is being replicated in the home too.

“Over a third of Brits confirmed they know more about coffee than they did five years ago and coffee drinkers are finding new ways to personalise their drinks, reaching for flavours from popular vanilla to more adventurous flavours like salted caramel.

“With coffee, the menu options are endless and with seasonal flavours on the rise and iced coffees during summer, coffees aren’t only functional they’re also the perfect fit for socialising too.”

The research was based on a survey of 2,000 respondents.

