Nearly two-thirds of hospitality businesses feel abandoned by the government, according to a recent survey by Peckwater Brands

Nearly two-thirds of hospitality businesses say they feel let down by the government, according to a survey by Peckwater Brands.

The survey of more than 200 hospitality businesses asked respondents about the action they would like to see from the government to help mitigate industry-wide pressures amidst the cost of living crisis.

Sixty-four percent said they feel let down, while more than a third said the increase in employer national insurance contributions was a mistake.

Four out of five respondents said the return to 20% VAT should have been delayed by at least 12 months, while more than a third are in favour of the government introducing a scheme similar to ‘Eat Out to Help Out’.

In addition, 36% of respondents would like to see business rates relief for struggling companies, while 35% would like to see their energy bills subsidised. Thirty-nine percent were in favour of the government offering financial support packages to those in need.

Twenty-three percent would also like to see alcohol subsidised, with many bars and pubs struggling to make ends meet.